Communities often don’t have a comprehensive Risk Management program in place.
Why? Well, doing it right is a complicated process but it is absolutely necessary.
A detailed, well thought out, Risk Management program is designed to protect the community and its assets, residents and staff from the adverse effects of accidental loss.
And of course a monitoring procedure needs to be in place to make sure it’s being implemented properly.
One other thing to remember… While purchasing commercial insurance is important, it is only a part of the process.
A comprehensive Risk Management program should be integrated with your comprehensive insurance program.
Once established it will need to be monitored to make sure it’s being implemented properly and keep in mind that change and adjustment in inevitable.
It can get confusing but communities that take the time to establish a detailed Risk Management Program are taking the necessary steps to the long term well being of everyone.
If you still have some questions of establishing or assessing your Risk Management please let us know.
I Hope This Helps.
If you’d like more information on how Corner Property Management can implement an effective gutter maintenance contract for your community then contact us NOW!
Contact Tony Nardone, Managing Partner of Corner Property Management, at 973.376.3925, visit our website at, or email Tony at